Entertaining Stories about Emerging Technologies! ML, AI, DL, RL, Generative AI, Blockchain, DeFi, Web3, Quantum Computation, Quantum Applications, Quantum AI, and Cybersecurity. With a dash of humor and a sharp insight into today's technology world.
Google "Thomas Cherickal" for More.
All 4 Jesus. Research Scientist and Technical Writer. I have a Master's in CS and some very high scores on several programming sites, but I love research and technology exploration instead of coding business rules, because of the creativity involved. I'm a Jesus Youth, a violinist, and a choral bass singer (Western Classical Music). I owe my life and everything in it to Jesus Christ because of Jesus Youth. I am active in the worship ministry at churches, prayer groups, and night vigils in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Jesus Youth. I love badminton, table tennis, swimming, and green tea. And I absolutely love research, original work, coding, and writing as well.
Further Details:
My Profile:
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My Writing:
My Publications:
https://medium.com/metanoia (Jesus Christ)
https://medium.com/quantum-ai (Quantum AI)
https://medium.com/the-next-web3 (Blockchain | DeFi)
https://medium.com/emmerich (Anne Catherine Emmerich | Mystic)
God bless! Thanks for reading.